Lost Mine of Phandelver (LMOP) sparked the beginning of the 5th Edition of our beloved TTRPG known as Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). It is perhaps one of its most famous adventure modules, especially since it is part of the Starter Set. In this article, we'll explore the best playlists to get you fully immersed in the fantastical world of the Sword Coast.
Our partners at dScryb created Opus, a fantastic tool to manage TTRPG playlists, including these tracks listed for LMOP. Aditionally, Opus has our entire collection featuring thousands of ambiences, songs, and SFX for your adventure. Try it out!

Complete LMOP Music Playlist

Our talented team of composers created a music playlist specifically meant for LMOP. If you're not in the mood to organize your own playlist, simply click on the playlist below!
LMOP Adventure Hook
Before we start, are you using LMOP's Adventure Hook called "Meet Me In Phandalin"? If that's the case, you can roleplay the agreement between your party and Gundren Rockseeker in Neverwinter before leaving for Phandalin. For that, we present to you "Medieval Fantasy City" by Michaël Ghelfi!

Goblin Trail
At first, an ambience named "taiga" might not sound the best fit for the Goblin Trail, but remember that this is the northern-ish region of the Sword Coast. So, it may actually be a bit on the colder side!

Cragmaw Hideout
Yeah… this wet gloomy cave is a perfect fit for the members of the Cragmaw. Unsurprisingly, this place doesn't have many remarkable features, it is mostly corridors and a river. Still, be wary that the goblins may pull a sneaky with the "waterfall".

I don't know about you, but I've always imagine Phandalin as a quieter place than most. I mean, we do have an alternative version of this ambience that is livelier but, personally, I don't think it fits our lovely mining town.
Sadly, "Silent Medieval City" is on the second part of our Spotify album, which is yet to be released. But, stay tuned as we'll update everything as soon as possible!

So, Conyberry is a very lovely name for a town with a very grim past. Not only that, it also has welcomed an unwelcome acquaitance in its midst, whom you may face sooner or later. Thus, I think "Ruined Town" fits nicely!

Now, Thundertree is a place where Mother Nature has show her face, isn't? Eventually, it seems that everything returns to nature in the end. Careful, though, as this place is not as peaceful as its sounds may allude to!

Wyvern Tor
Okay, this is a very cool name for a very boring place. To keep things simple, it's a hill with some orcs in it. Have fun!

Cragmaw Castle
Honestly, going through the Cragmaw Castle isn't exactly a walk in the park. But, the suspense of "Ruined Castle" will make the encounter with this tribe even scarier!

Wave Echo Cave
Well, you may have noticed that we had to use a non-copyright name for Wave Echo Cave in our official release of the ambience — and the song. Still, Booming Wave Cave is precisely what it says, a cave that "booms" with the sound of waves.

Less Likely to Visit in LMOP
Technically, your party can visit the Dragon Barrow during this adventure module. However, it is more of a location for Dragon of Icespire Peak (DOIP). Nonetheless, our composer Michaël Ghelfi created an ambience specifically for this place!

Have Fun With LMOP
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