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Conditions of Use

These conditions of use apply to any content published by Michael Ghelfi Studios (and its artists). They aim to allow the Consumer maximum liberty while shielding our intellectual property.

Contact us by email if this document doesn’t answer all your questions. We generally answer within a business day.

General notice about conditions of use

Our content is sometimes royalty-free; however, it is NEVER copyright-free.Please read the FAQ down below to find your use case. You may not need to purchase anything, depending on your use case.

How are you using our content?

The Consumer may enjoy the Studios’ content for personal use freely, such as for entertainment, gaming or relaxation, amongst others. Naturally, that also applies to your tabletop games with friends, as well as family videos, free private parties and such. Enjoy!

You do not acquire any permission to distribute, publish or reupload after purchasing the Studios’ work, e.g. buying a track is different than buying its license.

Our conditions of use are generous, it's royalty free! Just purchase the tracks and credit us as explained in the next paragraph. Please refrain from ripping the audio from our YouTube channel.

Exception : We never allow users to reupload our content in a way that competes with us (ambiences/music videos).

Our team only asks that you donate or support us on Patreon if you generate some revenue.

Always credit us as explained below. Otherwise your video will be claimed. If you want to know the reasons, we made a video about it. Please credit us like this :

Elements in color can be changed/deleted freely. Use the "@" function to tag us directly.

Audio by @MichaelGhelfiStudios

You didn't credit us properly. Please see the YouTube question above, correct the credits and simply fill this form:

Click here


Just make sure to credit us properly (see the other questions about YouTube) or your video earnings will be claimed by our system. If you credit us properly, you can keep 100% of the earnings.

Our conditions of use are generous, it's royalty free! Just purchase the tracks and credit us as explained in the next paragraph. Please refrain from ripping the audio from our YouTube channel.

Exception : We never allow users to reupload our content in a way that competes with us (ambiences/music videos).

Our team only asks that you donate or support us on Patreon if you generate some revenue. The amount is up to you!


A “shout out” is an excellent way of supporting our work, suggestions include writing a post about the Studios, linking our pages (This websitePatreonSpotify and YouTube)or explaining the impact of our work on yours, amongst other means. Basically, just credit us!

The Studios’ official images, logos, and other media, plus informational documents, can be accessed via Google Drive.

Consumers that are paid gamemasters, such as working for companies like StartPlaying or for themselves, must either have a specific Patreon tier on the Studios’ page, or a dScryb Opus active subscription. The Patreon tier is called “Sage” and it only provides commercial use rights to this specific activity.

This does not concern gamemasters paid by viewers for streaming on Twitch or YouTube.

If you create content within the TTRPG industry that isn't entertainment and video based, such as maps, FoundryVTT modules and such, you profit from an exception regarding distribution rights. This applies especially to Patreon-based creators. See this page.

Our conditions of use are generous, it's royalty free! Just purchase the tracks and credit us as explained in the next paragraph. Please refrain from ripping the audio from our YouTube channel.

Exception : We never allow users to reupload our content in a way that competes with us (ambiences/music videos).

Our team kindly asks that you donate or support us on Patreon if you generate some revenue. The amount is up to you!


A “shout out” is an excellent way of supporting our work, suggestions include writing a post about the Studios, linking our pages (This websitePatreonSpotify and YouTube) or explaining the impact of our work on yours, amongst other means. Basically, just credit us!

The Studios’ official images, logos, and other media, plus informational documents, can be accessed via Google Drive.

You'll need a license. Terms are explained in our Standard Purchased License. You can get one for your project here (and only here) or by email if our licensing website directs you to do so. You can find answers to most of your questions in the Conditions of Use FAQ below. Please contact us if you have any additional questions; we’ll be happy to provide a prompt response.

Frequently asked questions about conditions of use

Royalty free means you just need to pay for rights to use the item once per end product. You don't need to pay additional or ongoing fees for each person who sees or uses it.

Directly from our store for music and for ambiences, and from Patreon for the exclusive content. If you are looking for a single track or a few, you can get them from our licenses shop for a cheap price.

Our conditions of use do not allow to redistribute the audio files. You should not permit end users of the end product to extract an item from the end product. You should do this by technological means if feasible, or by other means, like in the user terms for your end product.

Generally, your license is not transferable. There are a few exceptions:

  1. If you are a freelancer / agency using the item for a single end product for one client. The customer effectively receives each license.
  2. If you sell the single instance of an end product, such as a website installation. The customer effectively receives each license.
  3. If you are using the item as part of an on-demand "create-your-own" service where you purchase a separate license on behalf of the customer for each individual end product they make. The customer effectively receives each license.
  4. If you are a 3rd party purchasing a license to use as a prize / giveaway. The winner effectively receives each license.

In all of these cases, be sure to point the client / customer / recipient to the license terms and delete the item from your own systems.

You may not use music in stand-alone music tracks, but you could use ambiences in a music track.

Yes, as long as the audio-only end product is larger in scope and different in nature than the audio itself. As a rule of thumb, the audio alone must not comprise the primary value of the end product, and should have speech overlayed and interspersed throughout. You can never distribute the music track as-is or with superficial modifications.

You'll need to acquire a license for this use, you can get it here.

Yes to some extent. You can crop, loop, change the volume and do other minor alterations to the tracks.

Yes! You're essentially buying the file on your client's behalf. You are allowed to charge your client for creating the End Product. Once you transfer the end product to the client (eg giving them source files for the item), be sure to link your client to our licenses.

Non-exclusive means that you are not the only person with access to the item. Others will also be licensing and using the same item. If you'd like an exclusive license, you can commission us to compose something especially for you!

A single application means one unique end product. It can be copied and distributed to end users. The end product depends on the nature of the item; for an item like a video intro template, the end product is the final, unique video intro. It can be used in unlimited ways.

Depends on the case. Please contact us to make sure.

No. As long as it's all the same end product, you can distribute it via different mediums without having to purchase new licenses.

Consumers that may have committed an accidental mistake, such as applying the Studios’ content on a commercial project without a license, must send us an email to discuss any further actions.

Consumers who report individuals using the Studios’ content without proper credit or licenses can claim a reward by contacting us.

Our conditions of use apply to all types of projects, but we may make some exceptions for non-commercial projects. They are defined as any non-profit production, such as free educational content, college projects, family videos or local charities, amongst others. Keep in mind a business that isn't profitable is still a business.

Send us an email.